Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A number of enquiries from future families and caregivers of the Kindergarten tend to ask similar questions as they investigate their local kindergartens/preschools and schools for their child. One of the main questions is always around understanding when their child will start Kindergarten. It is hoped that the following FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) will answer most of your questions. Please read the following questions to see if your enquiry can be answered. If you still need to talk to the director, please feel free to email or phone.
Q: If I need to talk to the Director, how do I do this?
A: The Director is a part of the Netley Kindergarten team during Kindergarten hours and cannot always respond to your extended enquiries during this time so a request for an appointment by email or phone is always appreciated.
Q: Can I come and visit the Kindergarten?
A: We realise that many families wish to have a look around the Kindergarten, and believe this is an important thing to do, to get a “feel” for the Kindergarten and help you to decide if it is the right environment for your child. If you wish to do this, please phone the Kindergarten to make an appointment time convenient for both parties. The Kindergarten also offers a fortnightly playgroup which is a wonderful opportunity to see the Kindergarten environment, meet the educators and connect with local families.
Q: When will my child start Kindergarten?
A: Children starting kindergarten will need to be 4 years old by the 1st of May each year before starting Kindergarten. If your child turns four on the 1st May or after this date, they will start the following year. All children will begin Kindergarten in Term 1 (January) of each year and do four terms of preschool.
Children are eligible for four terms ONLY of Kindergarten unless there are circumstances such as; special needs, GOM, or they are indigenous. Please contact the Director if you feel this is relevant to your child.
Q: When do I put my child’s name on the waitlist for Netley Kindergarten?
A: You are welcome to put your child’s name and details on our list as early as you like, please fill out the Registration of Interest form and send it to the kindy.
Q: How do I enrol my child at Netley Kindergarten?
A: You can complete a preliminary enrolment over the phone, in person at Kindy or by email. The information that we require is your child’s name, date of birth, residential address, parent/guardian name, contact phone number, local preschool, intended school and preferred kindy days e.g. Group 1: Mon/Tues Group 2: Wed/Thurs. You will be asked via email to collect an official enrolment form to complete and return if your child secures a place at Netley Kindergarten (please click the following link for additional information)
Q: When will I know that my child has a place at Netley Kindergarten and what sessions they are enrolled in?
A: If you live in our catchment area, you are automatically guaranteed a place for your child. The Director will notify you by email with your child’s session times during Term 3. We recommend that all families who do not live in our catchment area to put their child’s name down at their local Kindergarten to ensure your child does not miss out on their Kindergarten year.
Q: How do I find out which preschool catchment area I live in?
A: Please click the following link and enter your residential address.
Q: What school does Netley kindergarten Feed to?
A: In previous years at Netley Kindergarten the children have attended eighteen different feeder schools. With that said, majority of our children attend our local Department for Education schools including, Plympton International College and Plympton Primary School.
Q: Do I need to talk to the Principle of the school I think my child will attend?
A: If you have not made a decision regarding your child’s school, it would be useful to make an appointment with the Principal or attend and open day/night or Principal’s Tour within the public or private sector. Your child is not automatically enrolled into the local public school.
You must make contact with the school of your choice to enrol your child or to be put onto the waitlist. Your child is always eligible for entry into your local (zoned), public school but it is important to make contact with them early so that they are able to include your child in their staff and class planning processes. For private and public schools, you may be put on a waitlist depending on zones, priority of access policies, etc.
Q: Does my child need any particular skills to attend Kindergarten?
A: There is no formal standard requirement in written language or numeracy. It is preferred that your child is toilet trained and can communicate their needs. Please advise the Kindergarten if your child requires an Incontinence Care Plan. It is also preferred if your child is able to dress him/herself, open and close their snack and drink containers and carry their own bag which supports independence.
Q: What will my child have learnt at Netley Kindergarten?
A: Your child will learn through their own interests and through a play-based environment. Your child will have opportunities to explore, create, and develop their problem solving and thinking skills. Your child will have learnt effective ways to communicate and get along with others.
Q: What is the routine at Netley Kindergarten?
A: (Please click the following link which outlines our Daily Flexible Routine)
Q: When will my child start Kindergarten?
A: From 2023, there will be two major intakes for children enrolling in preschools, intake 1 for children starting at the beginning of the year (term 1), and intake 2 for children starting mid-year (term 3). Children that start in the mid-year intake will commence reception mid-year 2024 and will undertake 6 terms of reception.
Intake 1 for children starting at the beginning of the year (term 1), and intake 2 for children starting mid-year (term 3).
- Intake 1 – Children who turn 4 years of age before 1 May, are eligible to start preschool at the beginning of each year (term 1).
- Intake 2 – Children who turn 4 years of age before 1 November are eligible to start preschool mid-year the same year (term 3).
Children who turn 4 years of age on or after 1 November are eligible to start preschool in intake 1 the following year.It is recommended families consider their child’s readiness to commence preschool before enrolling in a preschool program.
Children are eligible for four terms ONLY of Kindergarten unless there are circumstances such as; special needs, GOM, or they are indigenous. Please contact the Director if you feel this is relevant to your child.
Q: My child has health/medical considerations, e.g. allergies to nuts, bees, asthma etc. What happens?
A: Netley Kindergarten is a Department for Education site and adheres to very strict policies when it comes to the health and wellbeing of all children. Please see the Director for more information specific to your child or consult our policies page.
Q; My child has English as a second language, how will the Kindergarten support my child?
A: Children who are bilingual may be eligible for support from a bilingual support worker who speaks the child’s first language. The time available varies from term to term according to the funding availability and your child’s needs. Children who have limited English, at times find it more difficult to settle into Kindergarten. The staff at Netley Kindergarten will endeavour to make your child’s transition into Kindy as smooth as possible.
Q; What should I pack in my Child’s lunchbox each day?
A: Please refer to the lunchbox guide in the Parent Handbook.
Q; My child has special needs, what does the Kindergarten offer to help?
A: Children with additional needs are welcome at this Kindergarten. If you have any reports from Paediatricians, Speech pathologists, Psychologists or other specialists, these would be useful to examine what methods the teaching staff may need to use to help support your child’s development. Children who need support may be eligible to receive 1:1 from a support worker. This will further support your child to access the learning environments and support your child throughout the learning program. The support available varies from term to term according to funding availability and your child’s needs. Department for Education support services such as the Special Educator, Speech Pathologist, Psychologist, Hearing Consultant, etc. may need to be in contact with families and the Director to ensure that your child’s needs are met as well as possible. If you believe that your child will need support as soon as they enter Kindergarten, please contact the Director.
Q: What is the referral process?
A: If your child has some needs or delays that may not have been recognised prior to starting Kindergarten, the Director may suggest a referral to have a Departmental Support person help to evaluate your child’s needs. This may mean a Speech assessment completed by a Speech Pathologist, a skill assessment (social and intelligence) completed by a Psychologist, or an observation by a Special Educator if the staff team is uncertain of a child’s particular needs. Please see the Director if you have any concerns regarding your child’s development or you wish to discuss a possible referral.
Q: Can my child choose other sessions that fall outside of the set groups (Group 1: Mon/Tues and Group 2: Wed/Thurs)? Can my child swap groups?
A: No. Each child is allocated into one group.
Q: How can I be involved at Netley Kindergarten?
A: At Netley Kindergarten, we love to involve the parents/caregivers please refer to the following link to see the different ways you can help/be involved.
Q: Can I please set up a payment plan for the Kindergarten financial contributions?
A: Every contribution assists with the cost of running the Kindergarten and improving the site. We understand that some families may require a payment plan. Please have a chat with the Director if you would like to do so.
(Please refer to the parent handbook for additional information)
Q; How do you celebrate children’s birthdays at Netley Kindergarten?
A: We understand that birthdays are a very special to each child and to help each child celebrate we sing happy birthday and provide each child with a birthday card. We kindly ask that you do not bring lollies/chocolates or any food items due to allergies and our healthy eating policy. If you would like to bring in something for the children, stickers and pencils are recommended.